Good tips to use betel leaves to treat underarm odor, both cheap and effective

Bad breath is a nightmare for many people. Not only does it give off an unpleasant odor, but it also makes the sufferer feel insecure. The following article will help you treat the underarm odor with betel leaves ineffective.

1 The use of betel leaves to treat underarm odor

Công dụng trị hôi nách của lá trầu không The use of betel leaves to treat underarm odor

Betel leaf is considered one of the effective oriental medicine for skin diseases. Using betel leaves will help deodorize the body, reduce inflammation, eliminate phlegm and eliminate rheumatic diseases.

Not only that, possessing the content of essential oils containing phenol derivatives helps to treat skin diseases and eliminate underarm odor extremely effectively.

Extraction of essential oils in betel leaves has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. These are the main causes of body odor. In addition, the ability to fight oxidation, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying cells is also found in betel leaves. Gives you smooth skin, limiting inflammation of hair follicles.

Besides, the use of betel leaf is no longer cost-effective, fast, and extremely safe.

2 9 ways to treat the underarm odor with betel leaves

There are many methods to treat underarm odor. Here are 9 ways to treat the underarm odor with betel leaves according to folk experience for your reference:

Crushing betel leaves does not treat underarm odor

Giã nát lá trầu không trị hôi nách Crushing betel leaves does not treat underarm odor


  • 5-6 betel leaves


  • Clean, crush or crush the prepared betel leaves
  • Clean the underarm skin clean and then apply the crushed betel leaves.
  • Gently rub for about 5 minutes so that the nutrients in the betel leaf are not fully absorbed.
  • Leave for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Use regularly 2-3 times a week for better results.

Using betel leaf water does not clean armpits

Dùng nước lá trầu không vệ sinh nách Using betel leaf water does not clean armpits


  • Prepare a few betel leaves just enough


  • Use a few betels leaves just prepared to cook with hot water, then let it cool.
  • Take this water to wipe and clean the underarm skin.

Use regularly 2-3 times/week to help reduce sweat and treat underarm odor more effectively.

Treat underarm odor with betel leaves and fresh ginger

Trị hôi nách bằng lá trầu không và gừng tươi Treat underarm odor with betel leaves and fresh ginger


  • One (preferably old ginger)
  • About 100g betel leaves


  • Take ginger to peel and wash, cut into thin slices and then crush to get the juice. Do the same with betel leaves, wash and puree.
  • Mix the two juices together and apply them to the underarms.
  • Gently massage for nutrients to be absorbed.

Repeat 2-3 times a week for good results.

Betel leaf and lemon juice

Lá trầu không và nước cốt chanh Betel leaf and lemon juice


  • A little betel leaf is not enough
  • One fruit


  • Take a handful of betel leaves and crush them and add a few drops of fresh lemon.
  • Mix well and apply on both armpits.
  • Gently massage to absorb nutrients and then rinse with water.

Do it twice a week for better results.

Combined with fresh coconut water

Kết hợp với nước dừa tươi Combined with fresh coconut water


  • Betel leaf is not
  • Fresh coconut water


  • Take a handful of betel leaves and crush them and add some coconut water
  • Mix well and apply evenly on both armpits
  • Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with clean water.

Perform 2-3 times a week to kill bacteria and reduce underarm odor effectively.

Treat underarm odor with betel leaf and salt


  • 4-6 betel leaves
  • 1 spoon


  • Put all the two ingredients into the mortar and then pound until the mixture is soft and watery
  • Wash the underarm skin with warm water to open the pores and then apply the mixture just pounded on the armpits.
  • Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Do regularly 2-3 times a week to effectively reduce underarm odor.

Using betel leaves combined with guava leaves

Sử dụng lá trầu không kết hợp với lá ổi Using betel leaves combined with guava leaves


  • 100g amniotic leaves
  • 100g betel leaves


  • Wash the above two ingredients and let them dry
  • Put the two ingredients in a pot of boiling water for about 20 minutes and then turn off the heat
  • Wait for the water to cool, then take the boiled water to wash the underarm skin.
  • The residue is used to rub and massage the armpit area gently.

Treat underarm odor with betel leaves and white radish

Trị hôi nách với lá trầu không và củ cải trắng Treat underarm odor with betel leaves and white radish


  • 100g betel leaves
  • 100g


  • Betel leaves are washed and drained and radishes are peeled and washed with water and sliced
  • Put the white radish and betel leaves in the blender until pureed
  • Squeeze the above mixture to get the juice, the residue is left to exfoliate the underarm skin
  • Clean the underarm skin with clean water and then rub the residue on the skin for about 5 minutes
  • Wash the skin of the armpits

Take a betel leaf bath to both reduce armpit odor and reduce back acne

Tắm lá trầu không để vừa giảm mùi hôi nách vừa giảm mụn lưng Take a bath with betel leaves to both reduce armpit odor and reduce back acne


  • 1 handful of betel leaves


  • Put all the prepared betel leaves in a pot and boil with 1 liter of water
  • Filter the betel leaves to get the water.
  • Mix the boiled betel leaf juice with a basin of cool water, then bathe normally
  • Thoroughly bathe in the armpits, and back and massage gently
  • After bathing with betel leaf water, take a fresh shower with cool water.

Above is the information that we have just shared about the best tips to use betel leaves to treat underarm odor, both cheap and effective. Hope it helps you get some useful information.

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