Good tips to use betel leaves to treat underarm odor, both cheap and effective
Bad breath is a nightmare for many people. Not only does it give off an unpleasant odor, but it also makes the sufferer feel insecure. The following article will help you treat the underarm odor with betel leaves ineffective. 1 The use of betel leaves to treat underarm odor The use of betel leaves to treat underarm odor Betel leaf is considered one of the effective oriental medicine for skin diseases . Using betel leaves will help deodorize the body, reduce inflammation, eliminate phlegm and eliminate rheumatic diseases. Not only that, possessing the content of essential oils containing phenol derivatives helps to treat skin diseases and eliminate underarm odor extremely effectively. Extraction of essential oils in betel leaves has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. These are the main causes of body odor. In addition, the ability to fight oxidation, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying cells is also found in betel leaves. Gives you smooth skin, limiting inflammation of ha...